Career and professional duties
Postgraduate in Information and Documentation Sciences, University of Évora; Postgraduate in Text Editing, Universidade Nova de Lisboa; participation in ADF training activities (Document Management, Quality Management in Organizations; Guidelines for the application of Document Management Ordinances, etc.) and in conferences, colloquia and other events.
Experience in performing Technical Coordination of Projects and Teams in the area of Information Management in Organizations, public and private.
In this context, we highlight the extensive experience in the elaboration of Classification Plans and Document Management Ordinances and their implementation; training and awareness raising of human resources, including new policies (interoperability, e-Gov, digital preservation, etc.), working methods and tools; evaluation of accumulated documentation, aiming at determining its final destination; in the elaboration of technical requirements for the constitution of electronic archival document management systems, as well as the participation in Working Groups involving private and public sector entities.
At EAD, he performs the Coordination of Consulting Services projects, for various central and local government agencies as well as for private companies.